sprig.dictutils module

A collection of convenient methods when working with dicts

sprig.dictutils.deflate(inflated: Dict[str, Any], sep: str = '/')Dict[str, Any]

Walk the tree provided as a nested dict and for every leaf node add its path and value as a key: value mapping in the returned dictionary.

Trees of depth one produce themselves

>>> deflate({'a': 13})
{'a': 13}

Deep trees produce long paths

>>> deflate({'a': {'i': {'x': 13}}})
{'a/i/x': 13}

Children can be internal nodes and leaf nodes both

>>> (deflate({'a': {'i': {'x': 13}, 'j': 17}})
... == {'a/i/x': 13, 'a/j': 17})

Every leaf node must have a value

>>> deflate({'a': {}})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Nodes must have at least one child or a value

Keys must not contain sep

>>> deflate({'a': {'i': 13}, 'a/i': 17})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Key must not contain path separator

Dicts inside non-dict objects are ignored

>>> (deflate({'a': {'i': ({'x': 13},)}})
... == {'a/i': ({'x': 13},)})

Leaves input unchanged

>>> i = {'a': {'i': {'x': 13}, 'j': 17}}
>>> d = deflate(i)
>>> i == {'a': {'i': {'x': 13}, 'j': 17}}

Input and output are untangled

>>> i['bar'] = 23; 'bar' in d
>>> d['foo'] = 19; 'foo' in i

Keys must be strings

>>> deflate({b'1': 13})
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Key must be a string

Lists are left intact by default

>>> deflate({'a': [13, {'i': 17}]})
{'a': [13, {'i': 17}]}
sprig.dictutils.group_by(iterable: Iterable[T], keyfunc: Callable[[T], V])Dict[V, List[T]]

Group items by key

Similar to itertools.groupby except * consumes input eagerly, * order of input does not matter, * returned type is different.

sprig.dictutils.inflate(deflated: Dict[str, Any], sep: str = '/')Dict[str, Any]

Interpret the keys as paths in a tree to its leaf nodes, the values as the corresponding value and return a nested dict representation of that tree.

Keys without sep are not inflated

>>> inflate({'aix': 13})
{'aix': 13}

Keys with sep produce nested dict

>>> inflate({'a/i/x': 13})
{'a': {'i': {'x': 13}}}

Children can be internal nodes and leaf nodes both

>>> (inflate({'a/i/x': 13, 'a/j': 17})
... == {'a': {'i': {'x': 13}, 'j': 17}})

Only leaf nodes can have values

>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> inflate(OrderedDict([('a/i', 13), ('a', 17)]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Internal node must not be assigned a value.
>>> inflate(OrderedDict([('a', 13), ('a/i', 17)]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Leaf node must not be assigned children.

Every leaf node must have a value

>>> inflate({'a': {}})
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Value must not be another dict

Input must be flat

>>> inflate({'a': {'i': 13}})
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Value must not be another dict

Dicts inside non-dict objects are ignored

>>> (inflate({'a/i': ({'x': 13},)})
... == {'a': {'i': ({'x': 13},)}})

Leaves input unchanged

>>> d = {'a/i/x': 13, 'a/j': 17}
>>> i = inflate(d)
>>> d == {'a/i/x': 13, 'a/j': 17}

Input and output are untangled

>>> d['foo'] = 19; 'foo' in i
>>> i['bar'] = 23; 'bar' in d

Keys must be unicode

>>> inflate({b'1': 13})
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Key must be a string
sprig.dictutils.invert(mapping: Dict[T, V])Dict[V, T]

Invert dictionary

Trivial function but good for two reasons: * it gives the operation a name, and * it catches an edge case that is easily forgotten.